Latest news of the group

Elastic anisotropy and polarizability on solute segregation
Joé Petrazoller, doctoral researcher in our group, just got his first article published in Computational Materials Science. His work explors the effects of elastc amistropy on solute segregation at low-angle grain boundaries, and the role of the polarizability tensor as intrisinc material property to evaluates segregation tendancy. The manuscript is available : J. Petrazoller et al., On the effect of elastic anisotropy and polarizability on solute segregation at low-angle grain boundaries, Computational Materials Science 249 (2025) 113642 [open access].

Congratulation to Houssam for his successfull PhD defense
Houssam Kharouji, PhD student in the group since November 2021, successfully defended his PhD thesis on December 5, 2024. in front of a jury composed of Dr. Forest, Dr. Upadhyay, Dr. Tanguy, Dr. Thuillier, Dr. Berbenni and Dr. Dezerald, Houssam has defended his work on the micromechanical modeling of crystal defects informed by atomistic simulation [LinkedIn].

The atomistic origin of internal length scale
Internal length scales are key quantities in strain gradient-gradient plasticity models by governing the predicted mechanical behavior. However, the physical origin of such lengths is still unclear. In his 2nd manuscript, Houssam Kharouji, doctoral researcher in our group at the LEM3, shade some lights on such origin in the case of grain boundary structures and energies. The manuscript is available : Kharouji et al., On the atomistic origin of internal length scale in strain-gradient plasticity models: The case of grain boundary structures and energies, Acta Materialia 285 (2024) 120555 [open access].

Defect phase and grain boundary segregation spectrum in Mg alloys
Using a hybrid molecular dynamics/Monte Carlo approach, we simulated segregation behavior at finite temperatures, identifying grain boundary structural transitions, particularly the varied fraction and morphology of topologically close-packed grain boundary phases. The outcomes of this collaboration with colleagues from the RWTH Aachen and TU Bergakademie Freiberg, offer crucial insights into basal-textured grain boundary segregation and phase formation. The manuscript is now available: Ganguly et al., Grain boundary segregation spectrum in basal-textured Mg alloys: From solute decoration to structural transition, Acta Materialia 283 (2025) 120556 [open access].

We are at the Journées de la Matière Condensée (JMC) in Marseille
We are pleased to present our work at the Journées de la Matière Condensée (JMC) in Marseille in the "NN2 - Mechanics at the nano-scale" mini-symposium. Fatim-Zahra Mouhib will present her work on Understanding dislocation - grain boundary interactions by quasi in-situ nanoindentation and electron channeling imaging at the example of a tensile twin boundary in MgY, on Oct. 30th. Yen Fred Woguem will present his work on The role of grain boundaries on plasticity in hexagonal crystals: an atomistically informed discrete dislocation dynamic study, on Oct. 31st.

We are at the 11th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling in Prague
We will be attending the 11th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling (MMM) that is being held in Prague, September 22-27, 2024. Houssam Kharouji, Joé Petrazoller, Vincent Taupin and Julien Guénolé will present studies spanning a wide range approaches and aspects in materials modeling.